Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I just watched Heidiann Heiniger's digital storytelling project and thought that it was a very fun and cute story about Halloween. I liked that she did her story about Halloween since it is now October. The music in the background also fit with the story very well. I thought it was great! I also watched Mallory Gibbons digial storytelling project, and I thought it was very good. The story "I don't know what to do today" was very cute. I liked that she had the funny and fitting music in the background of her story. She did a great job. The third digital storytelling project I watched was Jeff Freeman's. His video was very informational about Erosion, and I thought that it was a great way to introduce a new topic. The facts about erosion caused by glaciers was very interesting and put together very well. I liked all the projects I viewed, they were well done!
I would be able to adapt a digital storytelling project to the first grade by having students write one of their own poems and have them take pictures or have pictures taken of things that would work well for their poem. Then teaching students how to make their own digital storytelling project and with the help of a teacher, they would be able to share with others their written poem in a more creative and technological way.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Learning how to do a digital storyboard was very interesting and surprisingly fun to do! We will be using images from the internet and each take turns in reading the poem for our digital story next week. We learned how to cite all the media we will use and posted the images on our digital storyboard. It will be a fun use of technology to make a digital story from the poem and images we have found.

Digital Storyboard

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Tech Savvy Teacher

The Tech Savvy Teacher

“Living and Non-Living Things”

Third Grade: Standard 2: Objective 1

· Students will understand that organisms depend on living and nonliving things within their environment.

o Classify living and nonliving things in an environment.

As a class, discuss the differences between living and nonliving things.

· Characteristics of Living Things:

o They move

o They obtain and use energy

o They grow/develop

o They respond to their environment

o They adapt to their environment

§ Examples of living things: grass, trees, flowers, animals, humans.

· Nonliving Things:

o They do not have any of the same characteristics from the list above.

§ Examples of nonliving things: sand/rocks, metal (bike), wood (when not on a tree).

Class Activity:

· After discussing the characteristics of living and nonliving things, the students would go outside and take pictures of living and nonliving things. The pictures taken by the students would be posted by the teacher onto Kidspiration to later evaluate the knowledge that students have about differences between living and non-living things.

· After the class comes back in the classroom, the teacher would download the pictures taken while the rest of the class writes in their journal about the things they took pictures of.

· After the pictures are downloaded, the students are going to organize the pictures in two categories: living and non-living things. This last activity will serve as a mini quiz to show the teacher what the students had learned.

Provo Tech Savvy Teacher Newsletter:

Becoming a Tech Savvy Teacher is not as hard as it may seem. By incorporating simple forms of technology the students are able to learn much more than they would otherwise. Using technology in classroom settings can help students develop skills that are necessary for the 21st century.

In our class, while learning about living and non-living things, we went outside to take pictures of different things that were observed that had the characteristics of living and non-living things discussed in class. When we came back together as a class, we uploaded the pictures we had taken into the program, Kidspiration, where students are now able to go onto the program and test their knowledge as to what is living and non-living.

Having the students take pictures of objects and things outside, they were able to use the technology of a camera that would later be used on a computer program to further test what they have learned about the science topic. By using Kidspiration, students quizzed themselves on their knowledge of what makes living and non-living things. By using technology students were able to enhance their knowledge of science.

Friday, September 19, 2008

As a future teacher I have just discovered the many advantages that can be used for education. Fair Use for educators allows teachers to use copyright material for the purpose of educating their class. The ability to have media available is really incredible. There are materials that are available to teachers that otherwise would not be available because of copyright laws. However, just as anyone else it must be legitimate use of the product. There is so much that can be used within a classroom setting now that was not available earlier.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yes, it is true. I am now technologic Michelle. Hence, Techno Michelle. I have started a blog for my IP&T class here at BYU, but before you know it I will be way blog savvy. :-)