Friday, September 19, 2008

As a future teacher I have just discovered the many advantages that can be used for education. Fair Use for educators allows teachers to use copyright material for the purpose of educating their class. The ability to have media available is really incredible. There are materials that are available to teachers that otherwise would not be available because of copyright laws. However, just as anyone else it must be legitimate use of the product. There is so much that can be used within a classroom setting now that was not available earlier.

1 comment:

Bruce and Mary Lee said...

The concept of having important materials available to teachers without unnecessary obstacles makes sense. I very much respect copyright laws and believe that they are quite important. Even so, as long as the teachers are not using the copyrighted materials for commercial use and personal gain, it can be a valuable contribution to education to allow teachers access and therefore students access to some of this important information.

Michelle, way to go--high tech teach!